First-time Femme

Hey! I’m Lucie Isle, I’m a trans musician, DJ and comedian, and this is my blog :) This is a community led space, where I answer your questions, share intimate parts of my journey, and reveal more about who I am. Want to know more about the trans experience? Drop me a comment!

This morning whilst sipping an oat latte in a cosy coffee shop in Norwich, I asked my instagram followers what they wanna see for my first blog post. Here are a few of the suggestions I got sent:

  • First time presenting femme in public

  • When did you know you were trans?

  • How did you find joy in other trans journeys without becoming envious or sad about your own?

  • How do you do your makeup so well?

  • The best lord of the rings film

  • Your favourite dessert on an autumn Tuesday evening.

My growing community

I absolutely love hearing what my followers have to say. They’re my cheerleaders, supporters and friends. Since my comedy skits 'are you peeing next to a trans woman?’ went viral in March 2023, I’ve pretty quickly found a thriving online community of queer people and allies. Yeah I have to deal with a bunch of transphobic and bigoted dickheads along the way, but the joy outbalances the grief. Also the block and report function is my bestie.

In the last 6 months, I’ve connected with people all over the world, from America, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland, Malaysia, the list goes on. I’ve even managed to meet up with people in person, sometimes deliberately, sometimes by accident. One time I got yelled at on the street in Berlin, and met a guitar maker who’d seen one of my skits.

What’s this blog for?

It’s easy to forget how new and genuinely bizarre this whole ‘doing online stuff’ thing is for me. As glorious as it’s been sharing my comedy, sometimes I worry that joking around can be a bit disposable and insincere. Sometimes I want to share that little bit extra, those funny memories, uplifting times or darker experiences.

I want this to be a space where we can have discussions, ask questions, share stories, and get to know each other a bit better. Away from the constant noise of social media, virality and distraction. A place to be present that doesn’t just feed the algorithm and simply provide more ad space for Zuckerberg or TikTok Shop.

So here we are, thanks for taking this first step on my journey- let’s get started!

With love and joy,

Lucie x


Normal straight boy stuff