Some good news, some bad news…
I want to let you know I am bowled over by how generous you have been. Thank you to everyone who has pledged, shared, sent words of encouragement, and has placed their belief in Football Crumpets.
This is my first Kickstarter and I misjudged some of the promotion required. Sadly it didn't gather the momentum I was hoping for in the first 10 days. Calling the kickstarter wasn’t something I wanted to do.
Football Crumpets has a gorgeous cast who are ready to pour their hearts into their performances. The script is one of my proudest achievements, and I wrote it with love and heartbreak for trans people. I am so passionately driven to bring it to life.
I just want people to believe in it as much as I do. Sadly, I don’t think I got that across during the campaign.
So, what’s on the cards for Football Crumpets?
It's going to take a little more work on my part to give it the Kickstarter campaign it deserves. It’s time to reflect, learn and come back stronger.
I met with a friend and seasoned pro of Kickstarter yesterday. After a loooong chat about dreams and ambitions for the project, I’ve got a realistic and manageable plan to relaunch Football Crumpets, and give it the campaign it deserves to do it justice!
I’m really grateful that there are people in the indie LGBTQIA+ community who are there at a moment’s notice to support creators like myself. That’s what we’re all about!
So often I try to take on challenges alone, and already I’ve learned how important it is to lean into your community in times of difficulty. That’s actually one of the core messages of the Football Crumpets project. Funny how it’s come back to teach me a lesson already.
Here's what will happen next
I will cancel this campaign, with a view to relaunch in June. I don’t know exactly what the next few months look like, but I’ll be spending the next week planning the lead up to relaunch and the entire new campaign through to its final fulfilment.
I'd love you to be part of the project when it relaunches, and I guarantee you'll love it even more when it returns. The heartwarming, trans inclusive story you're excited to hear is still waiting for you.
Your pledge won't be collected when I cancel the project, so rest assured that no payments will be processed.
I'll be sure to keep you updated, so follow me on Kickstarter and instagram
Looking forward to the future,